4 Estrellas
On Request Best Rate
From Mall 1.5 Km
From Monumental Center 300 m.
From main exhibition center
- Palacio de congresos 300 m
- Recinto Ferial San Carlos 2 km
How to get there
Take the railcar direction Cordoba, on having the
city take the exit `centro ciudad` and before
crossing the bridge `San Rafael` turn to the right.
Rough time by car : 1 h. 15 min.
Distance : 130 Km
Rough cost by taxi : 100
Rough time by car : 10 min.
Distance : 1,5 Km
Rough cost by taxi : 6
From Sevilla, Málaga and Granada.-
Take the exit `centro ciudad` and before crossing
the bridge `San Rafael` turn to the right. In this
avenue parallel to the river one finds the hotel.
From Madrid
Leave the railcar in the exit historical center -
Mercacordoba, to cross the bridge of `Arenal` up to
the Avda. of Cadiz once in this one take the second
street to the right and you are in the Hotel.