This spacious, quiet Parador, surrounded by green gardens
and with a refreshing swimming pool, is close to all the provincial capitals of
Andalusia. Ideal for holding social gatherings, it is surrounded by a lush
fertile plain and the Torcal, a peculiar spot with geological formations.
Antequera also has a rich historical and artistic heritage. The inner rooms are
spacious, with light shades dominating in the wood of the ceilings, walls and
floors. The modern leather furniture is characterized by its classical,
functional style, which offers a comfortable and peaceful atmosphere, making it
an ideal place for those seeking rest. The restaurant offers traditional dishes
from Málaga with local touches, such as `porra antequera` (cold vegetable soup),
gazpacho (Andalusian cold soup), a cod dish called `pío antequerano` and `bienmesabe`
(type of sponge cake).