at a key point between Levante and Andalusia, the Parador de Puerto Lumbreras is
an ideal spot to discover the beauty of the region of Murcia or to explore the
paths of Andalusia. Its facilities include a complex suitable for rest and
leisure, and houses guests both for business trips and summer holidays. The
swimming pool and the well cared-for garden form the ideal space to enjoy a
pleasant stay, and the rest of the premises offer gracefulness and good taste.
The most noteworthy feature, however, is the light, which enhances the pastel
shades of the interior. Regional characteristics are clearly reflected in its
cuisine, which features among its dishes excellent salads, fish such as
gilthead, `llobarro` (bass), meat dishes such as Cabañil-style lamb in garlic,
roast kid, and original desserts such as prickly pear sorbet and `paparajotes`
with honey (lemon-tree leaves rolled in dough and fried), etc